What I've learned so far.
Why does Covid cause brain fog?
Posted on: January 04, 2024Lots of people with Covid suffer from cognitive impairment of variable degrees. But how exactly does the virus cause these issues?
science medicine
Advent of Code Week 2 - getting familiar with nom
Posted on: December 10, 2023Solving more Advent of Code puzzles, but most importantly getting to know how to parse string with nom
advent-of-code rust
Explaining some JavaScript weirdness
Posted on: December 08, 2023JavaScript is used as a source for a lot of programming memes. Let's explain some of them.
javascript computer-science
Advent of Code 2023 - Learning Rust the hard way
Posted on: December 03, 2023A few thoughts after doing the first Advent of Code puzzles in a new language
advent-of-code rust
The sneaky science behind your electric kettle
Posted on: November 29, 2023A thermometer probably won't work, so how does an electric kettle know, when to stop?