What I've learned so far.
Tagging e2e tests to reduce wait time
Posted on: March 12, 2024While testing your code is a great thing, useless end-to-end testing can be cumbersome. Here's how I leveraged tags to only run certain tests in PRs!
testing web-dev
More on the event loop
Posted on: March 07, 2024It's not just the callback queue. It's macrotask vs microtask queue!
javascript computer-science
Writing my first GitHub Action
Posted on: February 14, 2024When I needed a specific action to add in my workflow, I could not find a good one. So I wrote it myself - here is how!
typescript github-actions
How does the satisfies keyword in TypeScript work?
Posted on: January 25, 2024as, as const, satisfies - different ways to type variables in TypeScript. What's the best way?
Using tRPC for the first time
Posted on: January 14, 2024After using REST and GraphQL APIs, it's time to try a different approach of data fetching
web-dev typescript